28 aprile ore 18.00-19.15 (online) in lingua inglese
Webinar del Focus Group Arbitrato e rapporti con Istituti arbitrali
Head-to-head interview with arbitral institutions: recent trends and future prospects
Saluti di Maria Beatrice Deli e Stefano Azzali (coordinatore del FG)
– Pedro Arcoverde, Counsel of the Swiss Italian team, ICC;
– Benedetta Coppo, Head of the Rome branch office of the Milan Chamber of Arbitration;
– Niamh Leinwather, Secretary General, Vienna International Arbitration Center;
– Ismail Selim, Director of the Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration.
Modereranno l’incontro Anna Biasiolo, componente del FG, e Michela D’Avino
Evento gratuito. Per registrarsi:
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