La comunità dell’arbitrato vicina all’AIA e a CAM si è attivata per le date dell’8 e 10 giugno per supportare e approfondire quanto verrà esposto al primo Italian Arbitration Day “The Reform of Italian Arbitration Law: An International Perspective”, con eventi ad hoc.

Di seguito i programmi degli eventi collegati allo IAD, completi delle informazioni necessarie per poter partecipare.

Vi invitiamo, inoltre, a seguirci su LinkedIn per visualizzare il programma dello IAD, le biografie dei relatori e moderatori della Conferenza, pubblicate a cadenza settimanale, e per rimanere aggiornati sulle attività organizzate da AIA.


We are also delighted to inform you that several institutions and associations close to AIA and CAM, during the 8 and 10 of June, have decided to host a series of events with the aim of supporting and further exploring the topic of the first Italian Arbitration Day: “The Reform of Italian Arbitration Law: An International Perspective”.

We would also like to invite you to follow  AIA LinkedIn page in order to view the program of the IAD, the biographies of the speakers and moderators of the Conference, published on a weekly basis, and mainly to not miss updatings and new uploadings.


Assonime – Rome, 8 June 2022 (online)

AIA-ArbIt Below40 – Rome, 8 June 2022

ArbitralWomen – Rome, 10 June 2022

ARBIT – Rome, 10 June 2022


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