Prof. Avv. Diego CorapiConsigliere onorario

    Professore emerito di Diritto Privato Comparato-Università Sapienza Roma. Docente di Business & Corporate Law- LUISS Guido Carli.
    Membro International Academy of Comparative Law, Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato, Association Henri Capitant Amis de la culture juridique française, Istituto Superiore di Studi sull’Arbitrato.
    E’ stato componente della Commissione ministeriale per la riforma del diritto societario, del Comitato di consulenza Consob, del CdA ISVAP (ora IVASS), dell’Arbitro Bancario Finanziario; e Presidente della SanPaoloVita S.p.A. E’ Liquidatore della Armamenti&Aerospazio S.p.A. (unico socio MEF).
    Avvocato iscritto all’Ordine di Roma. Foreign Lawyer registered at the Law Society (England and Wales).
    Senior Partner dello Studio legale Corapi (, operante in materia di contratti interni e internazionali, società, banche e finanza, assicurazioni, infrastrutture, distribuzione, logistica.
    Arbitro, mediatore o difensore in procedimenti arbitrali o di ADR interni e internazionali.
    Camere Arbitrali e associazioni professionali: IFA, LCIA, HKCIAC, KLRC, CIESP/FIESP, CAM (BM&FBovespa), Corte arbitrale europea, CAM(Milan), Int. Academy Trial Lawyers, IBA, ICC Italia, Clausen Miller Int., Worldlink for Law.
    Lingue: italiano, inglese, francese, portoghese, spagnolo (basico), tedesco (basico).

    Emeritus Professor of Private Comparative Law- University of Sapienza Rome. Senior Lecturer of Business and Corporate Law- LUISS Guido Carli University.
    Member International Academy of Comparative Law, Associazione Italiana di diritto comparato, Association Henri Capitant Amis de la Culture juridique française, Istituto Superiore di Studi sull’Arbitrato.
    He has been member of the Ministerial Commission for the reform of company law, of Consob Consultant Committee, of ISVAP (now IVASS) BoD, of Arbitro Bancario Finanziario; and Chairman of SanPaoloVita S.p.A. He is Liquidator of Armamenti&Aerospazio S.p.A (sole shareholder MEF).
    Lawyer registered at the Rome Bar. Foreign Lawyer registered at the Law Society (England and Wales).
    Senior Partner of Studio legale Corapi (, operating in matters of domestic and international contracts, companies, banks and finance, insurance, infrastructures, distribution and logistic.
    Arbitrator, mediator and counsel in domestic and international arbitrations and ADR.
    Arbitral chambers and professional associations: IFA, LCIA, HKIAC, KLRC, CIESP/FIESP, CAM(BM&FBovespa), European Court of Arbitration, CAM(Milan), Int. Academy of Trial Lawyers, IBA, ICC Italia, Clausen Miller Int., Worldlink for Law.
    Languages: Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish (basic), German (basic).